Saturday, September 11, 2010

PeeR PRes$uRe

i am writing after a long long time so obviously,i have a lot to say.

first,why haven't i written all this time?because i have become less disciplined and slipped into a decay of sorts.this particular year of college does that to you.and of course,there's peer pressure of a different kind-the pressure is to not do anything and though it seems easy to circumvent,believe me,it's very difficult to do that when the alternative is so easy and,decay and laziness of a dangerous kind.i now realise i have lost a lot of time that may have been put to better usage.

second,i am not at all melodramatising the above mentioned situation.if anything,i have toned down the reality considerably.

now let us get down to today's topic,which is peer pressure.

peer pressure is defined as-influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behavior in order to conform to group norms.

another defintion-Pressure from one's peers to behave in a manner similar or acceptable to them.

however,when it comes to peer pressure,we all have our own version to tell or not to tell.i say 'not to tell' because most of us don't realise that they are facing peer pressure,or if they are,they don't come out clean with it.

part of this problem is that we think of ourselves as strong individuals,whereas the truth is that most of the time we are wrong and are merely trying to hide behind a facade of supposed strength.plainly put,it is very difficult to counter peer pressure.

so what comprises peer pressure?

here are a few examples:
~drinking alcohol because everyone else is doing it
~smoking secret because everyone is telling me to try it

some more examples:
~growing a moustache because everyone says it looks cool
~walking with a swagger because your elder brother has one

a few more:
~wearing tees because...
~gymming for a flatter tummy because...

these too:
~staying clean/dirty..
~studying/not studying...
~craving for a boyfriend/girlfriend...
~reading/writing blogs...(yes,this too)
~writin in d shrt/sms form,oops
so what is so bad about peer pressure?

actually,i believe that peer pressure is not bad at all.

at college,i have seen so many spineless people that i feel like it(peer pressure) is a blessing for these kind of beings.they need to be told what to do that if you left them to themselves,they wouldn't know what to do and would probably go mad or worse hurt others.i am of course assuming all this but i know that i am not that far from the truth.the majority of people fall in this category.

i don't know if you have heard of a phenomenon known as an implosion.basically,it means that you explode inside but not outside so that all the effects of the implosion happen to you and doesn't affect others.just think of a small bomb going boom in your intestines.yes,it's not pretty.

if you are a person with a bit of individuality and and a basic sense of right and wrong,you will have problems dealing with peer pressure.a bit of ego thrown in,and the mixture becomes quite dangerous.these people implode.the process is slow and self destructive.

next come the people with loads of ego,with large chunks of self esteem missing,and these are the people who handle peer pressure the worst.they explode.the college kid on the rampage with a gun is a typical example.they annihilate everything and everyone in their path when their fuse runs out.

there is also a fourth category which includes people with very high self esteem and loads of confidence.they may have an inflated ego but they recognise peer pressure for what it is,a force that needs to be fought with due respect and cunning.they never take peer pressure headon. most of the time they try to sidestep it or fence it off.this is because they know that if they tried to fight it in an obvious manner,they would suffer at the hands of idiots.thus,respect and cunning.

so,what's your your category?

now,some of you might be wondering where i have copypasted these concepts from.the answer is-nowhere.that is because i have never come across any article which describes peer pressure in such a is entirely of my own imagination that i have presented the above ideas.

do not think that all this has been a joke,for it is anything but a could be a ticking time bomb yourself,ready to implode or explode.and this article might just help you.i am not betting on it though.

if you have reached this far,then you probably have lots of free time,because i don't write so well.

p.s.modesty comes to me easily.contradictory.wouldn't u agree?

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